Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Arlen Spector ... a politician who defines the word started his career as a Democrat and has never been a Conservative and has usually been an embarrassment to those who hold dear, the principles that made our country great. Sadly, there are so few in congress who hold those principles dear, regardless of party. It is the belief of the writer that both parties are taking us to the same place, only one faster than the other.

Where is that place? Fascistic Socialism or as some might define it, Progressivism. Read about it. Read the speeches of those great bastions of Republicanism ... Teddy Roosevelt, Richard Nixon, George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, etc, etc, etc.

Liberty and individual responsibility, the two major building blocks that made our country unique among the world ... the two major building blocks that made us the envy of the world ... the two major building blocks that are THE reason for our greatness.

What have all of the administrations done since the turn of the century ... no, not 2000, since the turn of the century in 1900!!!


Now, how about that little photo-op joy-ride that Air Force One, the most secure 747 in the history of the world take-off without anyone outside of the director of the White House military office, Louis Caldera, knowing. He has fallen on his sword to defend the White House like a "good soldier" and has often been the case with Leftist administrations, the military is at fault. I have one word in response ... balderdash.
It is interesting that in the photo in the NY Times, the trailing fighter jet is nowhere to be seen.

Here is a very similar photo clearly showing the trailing fight jet ...,2933,518319,00.html

Oh yea, in addition to the huge carbon foot-print this plain makes, it cost us, the tax paying citizens of the United States, $328,835.

Here's the latest on this story ...
NYC Flyover Fallout » White House press secretary Robert Gibbs yesterday said the administration is conducting an internal review of the Air Force One flyover that caused panic Monday in New York City. "It was a mistake," Obama said of the photo-op flight, which reportedly cost taxpayers $328,835. Meanwhile, documents suggest federal officials knew the Air Force mission would cause alarm, but proceeded anyway. — Washington Post, Bloomberg, WCBS-TV

Can anyone think about how this situation would be dealt with and how the electoral mainstream media had this happened had the previous administration "made a mistake" like this?

Now, to Mexican Swine Flu ...
I feel for anyone who suffers from this illness and my heart goes out to any family that has lost a member of their family due to it but ... you knew that was coming ... as Rom Emanuel said, "never let a crisis go to waste" ...
Because of this, a person who has never met an abortion she didn't like, including the horror that is partial birth abortion, Kathleen Sebelius, now the former governor of Kansas, is our newly confirmed Secretary of Health & Human services. Yep, the health of our children is #1 on her priority list. Just ask Dr. Teller ...

So, back to Spector ...goodbye but sadly, not, good riddance for he continues to pollute the senate with his presence.
Maybe come next November, the good people of Pennsylvania will actually elect a senator who has not only read the Constitution of the United States but understands it and will work to return us to it's foundation.
And for all you leftist morons our there, no, I am not advocating a return to slavery. Idiots.
We can only hope and after all, isn't HOPE what it's all about?

Oh yea ... for all you leftist, anti-Americans who might actually be able to read this, I am not advocating a return to slavery which is the standard non-sequitur that is spewed forth by those who know little.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

My oh my ... where to begin... the leftists who are now dominating the political debate in our country provide so much to talk about that it is oft-times mind boggling...
First we have our Speaker of the House saying that while she was told that water boarding was an enhanced interrogation technique, among others, that the CIA had in their arsenal to persuade these animals that would slit her throat as fast as any one's, she was never specifically told that they would actually use them ... WHAT ?!?! Is she serious? I know that she expects us to believe that she is and goodness knows that the sycophant mainstream media will say, "uh, well OK Nancy, what ever you say", but REALLY?
Then we have Congressman Henry Waxman, that paragon of the leftist belief in freedom of speech deigning Lord Christopher Monckton, a former science advisor to Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, the opportunity to show the fallacies of AL Gore's Man-made Global Warming scam.

Of course the always interested in the truth Leftis..., uh, Democrats, "allowed" the Republicans to call former Speaker Newt Gingrich to rebuff the Branch Algorian propaganda, (have you ever noticed that it is the same speach, over and over and over again?) and while the former Speaker is a smart man and a great historian, he is hardly as well versed in the idiocy that is man-made global warming, he is not Lord Monckton who is in fact a scientist.

Do you wonder why Al Gore, who has been challenged to a debate by Lord Monckton many times, would accept the offer to simply rid the world of this global warming "denier"? If Gore has all the answers and the debate has been "decided" why would he not want to shut-up one of his most vocal critics ... show him to be the fool all you Branch Al Gorians believe him and all other "deniers" to be. Why? Because Lord Monckton has the scientific facts on his side and all Gore and his band of Birkenstock wearing, stinky old hippies (even if your wearing a 3-piece suit these days ... yea, I know ... peace, love, dope, music can change the world, right-on brothers & sisters !!!) trying to justify the last 40-50 years of their miss-spent, worthless lives is their "belief" and their need to dominate the lives of their fellow citizens. Unfortunately most of the follows of Al Gore are what was best described by using Karl Marx description of American and Eurpoean beilieves in the COmmunist/Socalist Revolution ... useful idiots.
The hoax that is MAn-made GLobal Warming is nothing more than a Communist-Fascist-Socialist power grab. So you think that those terms are not related? Do some research my ignorant friend. When are you people going to wake up? THE SCIENCE IS NOT DECIDED!! You say not? Give this a click ...

You want to hear a Lib actually be honest about the proposed "Cap & Trade" legislation? Click this ...
It is all about controlling your lives ... take away your God given freedoms ...

It has been a very tiring last few days. I'll be back soon. There is so much BS out there that is not being countered.
WHEN DID GOVERNMENT BECOME OUR FRIEND? Read the Declaration of Independence ( ... read the Constitution of the United States ( for goodness sake.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

How Far We Have Fallen ...

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited bu it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people." - Amendment X to the Constitution of the United States of America

My blog will contain many of my random thoughts, real quotes, links to articles and news stories or any other incident that effects the liberty of the citizens of the United States.
Our country has strayed, under both Republican and Democrat leadership, so far from it's original intent and from where we were just a few short decades ago.
Under the leadership of the baby boomer generation ... the peace, love & groovy folks who came of age in the late 50's through the early 70's, our country has become one boiling distasteful stew. We watch our every word out of a fear of offending, we are forced to accept that which is socially absurd and often mentally and physically abhorrent to any standard of civilized behavior all in the name of political correctness and tolerance.

I, and many of those Americans I know have had enough.

Here is where all that is absurd and counter to the continued success of the American Experience, at least in to my twisted mind, will be exposed, cussed and discussed.

Rant on!