What I think is far more important is the most recent example of the Speaker of the House and her latest lies regarding her knowledge of "extreme interrogation techniques" ... or as the leftist progressives currently in political power in our country and their lap-dogs know as the main-stream media (dino-media in most people's minds) TORTURE.
If any one in the dino-media would actually do their job and be the people's guardians as the founder's intended and the ONLY reason they were afforded special mention and protections in our Constitution, and report on the speaker's lies, it would be front page, above-the-fold headlines and the lead story on all the evening news casts ...such as they are. Surly if anyone as hateful as former Speaker Gingrich or even the milk-toast Dennis (call me Denny) Hastert had been caught in such a lie, it would be the lead story in the news for a stinking' month of Sundays. Why does this not bother more honest, thinking Americans? Maybe it does and that is the major reason that the overwhelming majority of the dino-media are going down the drain straight into the cesspool where they belong. THE ARE NOT HONEST BROKERS OF THE NEWS. THEY ARE CHEERLEADERS, PLAIN AND SIMPLE. THANK GOODNESS THEY DON'T WEAR THE SHORT SKIRTS.
The CIA has put out documentation that proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that Botox Nan damned well knew about waterboarding as well as other means to extract info from the Islamo-Fascists who would slit her throat as fast as they would Dick Cheney's. SHe even wondered if they were going far enough.
Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi is a liar, plain and simple. When will that matter to the Leftist Progressives that control our government and media? Sadly, the answer is NEVER!
As for a few other questions that beg an answer from the hate Bush crowd, the hate any Republican (even liberal progressive ones like the presidents Bush) and most assuredly, the hate anyone who calls themselves a Conservative and wants our Constitutional Republic to remain as it was intended because it promotes the greatest degree of freedom to all citizens and allows anyone who whats to put forth the effort to succeed or in some cases fail ... that want to maintain something called Capitalism (there I said it) ... and to maintain individual liberty and personal responsibility ... I wan to ask those who fall into any of these groups, something that suits your formula for society, just why in the heck do are not in the streets as our current president BOMBS INNOCENT CIVILIANS in Pakistan? Where are the leftists protesting the expansion of our imperialist war against the people in Iraq ... if you haven't noticed, the troops are still there. Where is the screaming protest from the idiot left about the SURGE being implemented in Afghanistan? Where are your favorite morons? Where is "peace Mom" Cindy Sheehan and the girls of Code Pink? Why aren't Cindy and the Pinkos (kinda sounds like a rock band, doesn't it?) standing in some Chicago ditch or gutter in front of the Tony Rezko sweetheart deal home of our president protesting the death of innocent lives? WHERE ARE YOU????
Stinkin' hypocrites.
"Hold on, my friends, to the Constitution and to the Republic for which it stands. Miracles do not cluster and what has happened once in 6,000 years, may not happen again. Hold on to the Constitution, for if the American Constitution should fail, there will be anarchy throughout the world."
--U.S. Senator Daniel Webster (1782-1852)
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