John Podesta, former Chief of Staff for President Clinton and most recently served as co-chair for President Obama's transition team, has posted the following on his organization's web-site, Center For American Progress. This man is an integral part of the American Progressive movement who's organization is funded primarily by billionaire anti-American / anti-Capitalist, George Soros. Once again, a man like George Soros who manipulated the Capitalist system for his own profit is dead-set on destroying your access to the same system. This man would be among the "ruling elite" and not, like many of our elected representatives, subject to the same limitations they want to place on the average citizens of the United States of America, the citizens who make this the greatest country in the world.
Podesta: ‘Van Has Set A Standard That Beck Would Never Impose Upon Himself’
John Podesta, the President and CEO of the Center for American Progress Action Fund, released this statement following the resignation of Van Jones:
Van Jones is an exceptional and inspired leader who has fought to bring economic and environmental justice to communities across our country.
He has chosen to resign because he believed he was serving as a distraction to the president’s agenda. I respect that decision.
Van was working to build a common ground agenda for all Americans, and I am confident he will continue that work. Unfortunately, his critics on the right could find no common ground with him.
Clearly, Van was the subject of a right-wing smear campaign shrouded in hypocrisy. Van’s chief tormentor Glenn Beck, who spent weeks engaged in vicious name-calling, retains his perch at Fox News after calling the president a racist who has “a deep-seated hatred for white people.” Van has set a standard that Beck would never impose upon himself.
I look forward to working with Van to move our country towards a clean energy economy that empowers and lifts up all Americans.